Simple cook

Delicious and Budget-Friendly Recipes

Say goodbye to expensive restaurant meals and relying on frozen dinners. With my collection of simple and fast recipes, you can now prepare a nutritious and delicious meal in just 20 minutes. Join me in this journey to save money and have a delicious food, because you don't have to sacrifice good food when you're on a budget.

Ramen dish
Ramen dish


Sharing my journey of cooking on a tight budget and living independently

avocado, tomatoes, eggs, mushrooms, spring onions, and leaves
avocado, tomatoes, eggs, mushrooms, spring onions, and leaves
person holding black frying pan
person holding black frying pan
white printed paper
white printed paper

Discover easy and quick recipes that can be prepared in just 20 minutes


man in blue jacket wearing white helmet standing on green grass field during daytime
man in blue jacket wearing white helmet standing on green grass field during daytime